In a strange twist, I heard that one of my former employers is looking for someone to do some writing for them on a freelance basis. Incidentally, the work they are now outsourcing was once a big part of my job. At any rate, I texted my friend who still works there and asked if they could float the idea of me taking on the freelance work by the decision makers and see if it flies. I'm well aware, obviously, that the idea might sink like a mafia hit weighed down with cinder blocks.
I'm also well aware that Former Job's letting me go wasn't pretty and they (the bosses) were kinda wankerish about it. My dignity remained intact, but I got the distinct sense that they felt dirty and low for letting me go the way they did: with zero warning, and trumped up 'complaints' that were all B.S. And yes, if they felt bad, they deserve to. They did things in a somewhat nasty manner. If they had just waited a couple of more months, they could have used the real reason for my axing: the economy.
Instead, I was the canary in the coal mine, as more downsizing came to pass at Former Job in subsequent months.
Anywho, perhaps that guilt will translate into freelance work. Or they might think I'm really pathetic for even floating the idea. My take? It would be super easy money--something I could practically do in my sleep. So I'll risk sticking my neck out there and being rejected. After all, they rejected me once already. What's one more time for old time's sake?
In other news, this Dating a Banker Anonymous blog seems to have the whole world in a tizzy. It's interesting to read about these once high-flying people and what passes for fulfillment in their lives. No wonder so many relationships are unraveling. When money is the glue that keeps you together, things look a lot less tolerable when designer shoes, fancy vacays, and spa days and private Pilates start going the way of the Dodo.
Zero sympathy. Absolutely none.
Link to this douchebaggery right here !