Monday, January 21, 2008

That Plantation Mentality, Part 1


The following is in no way intended to make light of the very real plight of those who have ancestors who toiled on plantations, or heaven forbid, those who still toil in extreme conditions to this day. My intent here is to show how the Plantation Mentality finds more seemingly benign ways to manifest itself in our modern society, and to show that the mentality is alive and well today, even if not carried out as often in its most extreme and dehumanizing forms.


It's come to my thoughts lately that my actual job isn't so horrid. Sure, like any job, there are duties I find tedious, clients who annoy, and days from hell. But the actual work itself has taught me plenty, and most of my co-workers, with a few exceptions (all in upper, upper management), are hard working and personable.

However, I think the real kicker for me is the "service with a smile" nonsense. Don't get me wrong--I think one should strive to be pleasant enough on the job and not throw a lot of attitude around. Attitude on the job remimds me of anchovies on the plate--both should be used sparingly and infrequently lest others get offended and/or stop taking you seriously. And yes, I do admit that I have tried very hard to keep my attitude in check and to only use it when absolutely necessary. Even so, it does slip out every now and then, in much the same way a wayward anchovy might make its way onto some poor sap's unsuspecting Caesar salad. A girl like me can't help it (the attitude, not the anchovies. I assure you I am adept at anchovy avoidance and sick of the metaphor already), especially in a disorganized and chaotic business like the one we work in.

All of that aside, Management seems to feel that we employees should be throwing ourselves at their feet and writhing in ecstasy every time they make a stupid request. Yes, I said stupid. Asking the same thing twenty times, all the while knowing not a damn thing has changed, certainly does qualify as stupid in my book. Failure to answer with anything other that saccharine cheer-itude is met with passive aggressive behind the scenes maneuvering and whines that "So and So doesn't liiiikkkkeeee meeeee. Whyyyyyy??? I must punish her, then!"

Management is sneaky, too. They know just what lines not to cross with their employees, but they come dangerously close. One example: one manager is always hitching a ride with one or another of the contractors. So the poor contractors will have their vans parked outside like limos, sometimes for half an hour or more while the Plantation Owner talks on the phone, yells at the workers, and then finally gathers their shit and leaves. All the while, the Plantation Owners act as if the contractor doesn't have anything better to do other than to serve as a cab because the Plantation Owner is too damn cheap to just hail an actual cab in the first place. (One can take for granted that the Plantation Owners could well afford the cabs. Hell, they could buy a fleet of cabs and still come out ahead).

I'm sure the Plantation Owners think themselves quite the forces of nature. "Wow, just one second in my presence and the entire room goes silent," they think. "It must mean I'm powerful and charismatic. Geez, I'm really good at this stuff! People are awed into silence."

Not really, Bub. You're just despised and not trusted as far as any of us could toss you-- if any of us were so lucky to get the chance to do so. As for awed, believe me, we areconsistently awed at how you handle things. Your erratic, greedy, and inefficient decision making process is truly one of the only things that can silence a room full of people who know better. In that sense, you and your ilk are truly breathtaking.

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