Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To Broker or Not to Broker: Decision Made

Alright, after much waffling, I decided to go ahead and take the brokers' course. This will fulfill my continuing ed requirements and upgrade my license to the next level--to broker-- which could, in theory, allow me to open my own real estate firm. If there are other uses for this license, I'm sure they'll tell us about them in class. Another cool thing is that the brokers' license can be transferred to several other states, so if I eventually move away to Arkansa, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia, I won't have to become an outlaw who practices real estate wihout a license. Ha!

I'm starting classes tomorrow evening. I wonder if I'll run into anyone I know there. Should be interesting. I have no idea what my higher-ups think of this, as I haven't run it by them yet.

In other news, things have been incredibly slow with my commercial listings. I need to speak with the landlord and see if he'll lower the prices.

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